
Mentor+Mentee – Private & Easy Connect!

Do you want an easy way to schedule or chat with a mentor or mentee or trusted advisor when you experience an ah-ha moment?  Increase your connection value by using urEZconnect which is also mobile compatible with the same great interface that can use staff smart phones and GPS to quickly text or see when you can schedule a lunch with your established mentor/mentee pair… Connect quicker and easier with this innovative tool at your fingertips.  Have more than one mentor or mentee, No Problem!  Your connection are all visible for you with all the same great features, link them up once and you’re connected with urEZconnect!

urEZconnect* is designed to allow easy and real-time access to your peers, mentors, mentees and more.  If you want to quickly reach out with a “What do you think?”  or  “When can we meet for lunch”  you have a few ways to do this and no more searching for their email, their contact record, worried about if they are busy or not, it is all real time but also is kept in a queue.  Fast and Easy and Simple, the trifecta!

Quick & Real time information = increased results & more valuable connections!

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